Duke Reunions 2016: April 15-17

How often do you have a chance to think about your experience as a Duke student?  The people who helped you become the person you are today, the things you learned, the games you played or attended, the clubs and student meetings, and the parties?

Every five years, there’s a chance to revisit this part of your life in person.  We call it Reunion Weekend and, for many of you, it’s happening April 15 – 17, 2016.

In your reunion year, we encourage you to do two things:

1. Come back!  

Be a part of your reunion weekend in April.  Re-engage with one of the most beautiful campuses in the country, say hello to old friends and make new ones, and see how Duke has evolved since your graduation day.

2. Give back!  

There are many ways to be involved with this milestone year.  Class volunteers help plan activities and reach out to classmates, encouraging them to make the trip back to campus and to support their alma mater.

You can have an immediate impact on today’s Duke students by making a gift to the Annual Fund.  Your Annual Fund contributions make possible many of the financial aid awards and fellowships, hands-on learning experiences, and faculty-mentored research opportunities available to our students.  If you haven’t yet made your class gift, you may do so online.

In addition to gifts to the Annual Fund, your reunion year is a great time to consider including Duke in your longer term plans by establishing a gift through your estate or retirement plan.  It’s never too early to consider how you might support the future of the university while accomplishing other personal and financial goals.  The Office of Gift Planning’s team of experts can help you and your advisors explore the options that might suit you best.

If you plan to attend your reunion this April, and would like to learn more about gift planning opportunities at Duke, please join us for our brief discussion, “Three Ways to Make the Most of your Finances through Philanthropy in 2016 and Beyond,” from 10am – 10:30am on April 16th in Flowers 201.  You can learn more about our event as well as the other weekend activities by visiting the reunion website.

As always, please feel free to contact our office if you have any questions or if we can assist you in any way.

TAGS: Duke Reunions 2016

About the author

Gift Planning


Duke University’s Office of Gift Planning specializes in charitable gift planning for estates, charitable trusts and annuities, and other complex current and future gift plans.

For more information, please contact the Duke University Office of Gift Planning at 919-681-0464 or giftplanning@duke.edu.