Go for the gift that pays you back

Learn how a charitable gift annuity can benefit both Duke and you

In times of economic uncertainty, a charitable gift annuity (CGA) is a great option for many individuals and couples who like the security of a guaranteed fixed income for life, regardless of market performance, and who also want to support Duke’s future.

A CGA enables you to give to Duke with multiple benefits for you.

Benefits of a charitable gift annuity:

  1. Get a guaranteed fixed payment for life to help provide security for you or your loved ones.
  2. Support what you care about most with a gift to Duke.
  3. Receive a one-time tax deduction for a portion of your gift.
  4. Direct your gift to support multiple areas at Duke.
  5. Create an endowment in your name or the name of a loved one, or add to existing endowments.
  6. Choose a flexible charitable gift annuity (FCGA) if you are seeking a charitable tax deduction now and a strategic way to increase income down the road. With this type of gift annuity, you decide when to start receiving your fixed payment in the future.

Gift annuities can be established to pay one or two people throughout their lifetime, which make them especially attractive arrangements for many individuals or married couples who seek additional income. After you (or the individuals receiving payments) pass away, the remainder of your gift annuity will support the areas and purposes you have chosen at Duke.

Ready to learn more? The experts at Duke’s Office of Gift Planning are available to work with you and your financial advisors to set up a charitable gift annuity. Contact them today at giftplanning@duke.edu or (919) 681-0464.

Download the 2020 Charitable Gift Annuity Guide to find out how you can make an impact at Duke that pays you back. Interested in future fixed payments when you need them most? Download the 2020 Flexible Charitable Gift Annuity Guide.

This information is provided with the understanding that neither Duke University nor the authors are providing legal, accounting, or other professional advice or counsel. Please consult your personal counsel about the financial, tax and legal implications of any gift.

TAGS: Charitable Giving Strategies charitable gift annuities

About the author

Gift Planning


Duke University’s Office of Gift Planning specializes in charitable gift planning for estates, charitable trusts and annuities, and other complex current and future gift plans.

For more information, please contact the Duke University Office of Gift Planning at 919-681-0464 or giftplanning@duke.edu.