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Blueprints Blog

Gift planning insights to build a plan for your future

The Gift Planning Blueprints blog offers planning insights, charitable giving news and stories of inspiration to help you plan for your future.

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As more Baby Boomers reach retirement age we are seeing greater interest in charitable gifts that help save taxes (pre- or post-retirement) and/or produce lifetime income. In some of these cases, the best gift choice for a donor may involve unlocking the value of appreciation in real estate. Generally, the real estate being considered for […]


Gift planning can be a smart way to leave a lasting impression at a charity, like Duke, while achieving your personal and financial goals.  There are many options for every life stage. If you are in your 60s and 70s, you are likely thinking about your upcoming retirement.  You may be wondering how to provide […]


Following a calling may require a leap of faith.  But for Palmer Cantler of Johnson City, Tennessee, the path was clear. It all started before Cantler entered the 7th grade.  A simple poster at a summer youth conference stopped her in her tracks. “So you want to go into ministry?” it read. Even as a […]


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Time is running out!

Make your tax-deductible
Annual Fund gift by Dec 31.