News you can use: How to teach children about the power of philanthropy
Charity touches all of us in different ways. If we want to teach our children about the power of philanthropy, there’s no better way than by sharing personal stories from the heart. Every family has a story about being helped. Sharing these stories with your children not only allows them to better understand your family’s history, but may inspire them to show kindness and generosity to others.
This article from the NY Times offers advice on how to encourage children to give. By explaining ways in which your family has been helped, you can teach your young ones to pay it forward and help others in a similar way.
When our children ask us questions about why we should give, our most common answers include: Because it’s the right thing to do. To help those less fortunate.
But this article suggests another reason: to give is to honor your own family’s history of being helped. Whatever your reason for giving, share your personal experience with your loved ones so they can understand the importance and impact of charity.